Monday, 16 July 2012


Suatu kajian telah dilakukan untuk menunjukkan keberkesanan Oligochitosan pada tisu kultur anak pokok nenas. Kajian dibuat berdasarkan kepekatan oligochitosan yang berbeza-beza yang digunakan pada anak pokok tersebut seperti berikut:-

A research has been carried out to seek the effectiveness of Oligochitosan on pineapple plantlets using tissue culture methods. The research were carried out using different types of concentrated Oligochitosan which are :- 

Tanpa Oligochitosan
Without Oligochitosan

2ml Oligochitosan + 1000ml Air
2ml Oligochitosan + 1000ml Water

3ml Oligochitosan + 1000ml Air
3ml Oligochitosan + 1000ml Water

5ml oligochitosan + 1000ml Air
5ml oligochitosan + 1000ml Water

2 minggu selepas rawatan dengan Oligochitosan / 2 weeks after treament with Oligochitosan

Graf pertumbuhan anak pokok baru selepas rawatan 

  • Oligochitosan dapat mempercepatkan pertumbuhan pokok.
  • Oligochitosan juga dapat meningkatkan imuniti pokok di mana pokok dapat bertahan selepas dipindahkan ke ladang.

  • Oligochitosan aids in promoting an extra boost to the growth of the plantlets.
  • Oligochitosan helps to increase the imunity of the plantlets thus helping it to sustain from infections after being transferred to the farm.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012





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Friday, 6 July 2012


Oligochitosan digunakan pada timun bertujuan:-

  • Mengatasi masalah serangan mozek, pangkal akar mereput dan kulat.
  • Menggantikan penggunaan racun kimia.

Reasons of using Oligochitosan on cucumbers:-

  • To overcome mosaic, rotten roots and fungus.
  • Replacing the use of chemical pesticides.

Kadar Penggunaan

2ml Oligochitosan + 1000ml Air

Precise usage

2ml Oligochitosan + 1000ml Water

Gambar 1 /  Picture 1

Gambar 2 / Picture 2
Gambar 1  dan Gambar 2 – menunjukkan daun pokok timun yang telah menghidapi penyakit mozek.
Pemerhatian: Daun kekuningan menyebabkan pokok menjadi tidak sihat.

Picture 1 and Picture 2 - shows the leaves of a cucumber plant that was infected by a virus called Mosaic.
Observation: The yellowish leaves leads to an unhealthy plant.

Gambar 3 / Picture 3

Gambar 3 – Daun pokok timun yang dikena serangan kulat terutama semasa musim hujan.

Picture 3 - An infected cucumber leaf caused by fungal attack during the flood seasons.

Gambar 4 / Picture 4

Gambar 5 / Picture 5

Gambar 4 – 5% - 50% pokok timun dijangkiti mozek
Gambar 5 – Pokok yang terkena penyakit mozek sebahagiannya berjaya dipulihkan selepas dirawat dengan Oligochitosan. Pokok bebas daripada sebarang racun kimia.

Picture 4 - 5%-50% of cucumber plants are mostly infected by mosaic
Picture 5 - mostly all the infected can be cured after applying Oligochitosan. The plant is free from chemical pesticides which makes it fully organic.


·         Penggunaan Oligochitosan dapat mengurangkan masalah penyakit mozek pada pokok timun.
·         Pokok dan buah 100% bebas daripada racun kimia kerana oligochitosan berjaya meningkatkan keimunan pokok.
·         Kos dapat dikurangkan kerana penggunaan racun kimia sangat bahaya dan mahal. 

  • By using Oligochitosan on cucumber plants, it decreases the risk of mosaic.
  • Plant and fruit are 100% free from chemical pesticides because Oligochitosan increases the plant's imunity system.
  • Cost saving - reducing the usage of chemical pesticides which are dangerous and expensive.


Avid Focus Resources telah didaftarkan pada 21 April 2011 dibawah Akta Pendaftaran Perniagaan 1956. Avid Focus Resources menumpukan lebih pada pengkomersialan produk bernama Oligochitosan. Oligochitosan merupakan sebuah produk buatan Agensi Nuklear Malaysia berfungsi sebagai pemangkin pertumbuhan dan meningkatkan imuniti pokok. Produk diperbuat daripada menggunakan teknologi radiasi. Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai produk sila lihat di bahagian PRODUCT. Kami daripada Avid Focus Resources telah menandatangani satu perjanjian bersama pihak Agensi Nuklear Malaysia di mana kami diberi hak untuk mengkomersialkan produk keluaran agensi tersebut.

Sunday, 8 April 2012


Oligochitosan telah digunakan pada tanaman kacang panjang bertujuan: 
  • Mengurangkan masalah penyakit yang dipanggil "penyakit karat" pada kacang panjang.
  • Mengurangkan penggunaan racun kimia.
  • Menjimatkan wang dan tenaga.
  • Kesihatan pekerja terjamin kerana Oligochitosan merupakan produk mesra alam.
Oligochitosan was used on green beans for the purpose of:
  • Solving the problem of infected green bean plants which were infected by a disease called "rust disease".
  • Decreasing the use of chemical pesticides.
  • Saving money and energy.
  • Ensuring good health for workers because Oligochitosan is a product which are very friendly to the environment.

Menurut En. Azhar Hamzah, seorang pengusaha tanaman sayur-sayuran. Beliau dapati bahawa  selepas 14 hari anak benih pokok kacang panjang dipindahkan ke ladang, didapati 100% pokok kacang panjang  mengalami penyakit karat. Selepas seminggu dirawat dengan oligochitosan dengan hanya sekali semburan telah menampakkan pemulihan 100 %.

Kadar Penggunaan Oligochitosan:

2ml Oligochitosan + 1000ml water


According to Mr. Azhar hamzah, an entrepreneur in vegetable farming. He said that 100% of the green beans seedlings were infected by rust disease after 14 days being transfered into the fields. After being sprayed once with Oligochitosan, a week after that, the seedlings showed a 100% recovery.

Precise usage of Oligochitosan:

2ml Oligochitosan + 1000ml Water

Picture 1

Picture 1 menunjukkan daun kacang panjang yang telah diserang penyakit karat. Didapati daun berbintik-bintik dan kekuningan (tidak sihat)

Picture 1 is an example of a green bean leaves that are infected by rust disease. The picture shows spotted yellowish leaves (not healthy)

Picture 2

Picture 2 - Seminggu selepas dirawat dengan Oligochitosan, daun mula menghijau.

Picture 2 - The leaves are getting greener after a week of being treated with Oligochitosan.

Picture 3

Picture 3 - Tiada lagi masalah daun berbintik dan pokok menjadi lebih sihat selepas dirawat dengan Oligochitosan.

Picture 3 - No more spots on leaves and the plant is getting healthier. 

Picture 4

Picture 4Oligochitosan disembur pada pokok kacang panjang. Disebabkan ciri-ciri oligochitosan yang mesra alam, penyembur tidak memerlukan alat keselamatan semasa penyemburan.

Picture 4 - Spraying Oligochitosan on green beans. Because of the characteristic of oligochitosan which is environmental friendly, you do not have to use safety equipments during spraying.

  • Penggunaan Oligochitosan pada pokok kacang panjang banyak memberi kesan yang positif iaitu selepas dirawat dengan Oligochitosan masalah penyakit karat dapat diatasi sepenuhnya.
  • Tiada penggunaan racun kimia pada pokok di mana Oligochitosan sahaja sudah cukup kerana ia berfungsi untuk mengatasi masalah penyakit.
  • Menjimatkan kos kerana harga racun kimia sangat mahal.
  • OIigochitosan tidak membahayakan pekerja yang menyemburkan racun tersebut.


  • The use of Oligochitosan on green beans shows a positive impact because it helps to overcome the rust disease.
  • No use of chemical pesticides because of using only Oligochitosan can help to overcome any infected disease on plants.
  • Cost saving because chemical pesticides are very expensive.
  • Oligochitosan is safe to use without wearing any protection gear during spraying.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


A research had been carried out to determine the effectiveness of using Oligochitosan on chilli's. The research was carried out by a local chilli entrepreneur Mr. Azhar hamzah at his own farmyard in Kota Tinggi, Johor. Planting chilli's has always been a problem for most farmers because of certain attacks of viruses and insects such as mosaic infections, afid, trips, hamama, white flies, bacteria and fungus. In doing so, Oligochitosan was chosen to help decrease these problems.

The precise ratio usage of Oligochitosan:

2ml Oligochitosan + 1000ml Water

The techniques of using Oligochitosan:

  • The mixed solutions above are being sprayed equally on all surfaces of the leaves and the stems.
  • Spraying must be done during hot climates (Plant consumes water solutions better in hot climates).
  • Spray thoroughly on infected leaves and stems.
  • Spraying can be done 1-2 times a week.

Picture 1

Picture 1 shows a chilly plant that is infected by a disease called Mozaic. The picture was taken on October 2, 2011 and the plant is treated with Oligochitosan. Observations: Yellowish and curling leaves (unhealthy).

Picture 2

Picture 2 was taken on Oktober 3, 2011. Observations: Plant is showing positive reaction, leaves are getting greener after applying Oligochitosan.

Picture 3

Picture 3 was taken on October 7, 2011. Observation: Leaves getting greener but the flowers still fall after treated with Oligochitosan for 6 days.

Picture 4

Picture 4 was taken on October 13, 2011. The plant had been srayed with Oligochitosan for the 3rd time. Observations: Postive effects began to appear whereby the leaves are more beautiful, new stems appears to be strong and healthy. But buds are still falling after 11 days of spraying Oligochitosan.

Picture 5

Picture 5  was taken at 6pm on October 15, 2011. This picture was taken after 13 days of being treated with Oligochitosan.

Picture 6

Picture 6  was taken at 2pm on October 22, 2011 and the infected plant has been treated with Oligochitosan for 20 days (sprayed 4 times). Observations: The plant is getting healthier, newly grown leaves are beautiful and the old ones are getting greener. Plus, flowers are blooming and no flowers are falling.

Picture 7

Picture 7  was taken on October 29, 2011 and the plant is being treated with Oligochitosan (250ml / 5 times of spray for 27 days) because the plant was infected by a virus called mosaic (cells crack because of ToMv and TMV virus etc.). Observations: No more flowers falling and an increase in the number of new flowers. No sign of Trips, Afid and White flies. Still need to use chemicals pesticides to overcome Hamama.

Picture 8
Picture 8 was taken on November 5, 2011.

Picture 9

Picture 9 was taken on November 8, 2011. Observations: Plant is fulled of chillies. The leaves are a bit yellowish but looks more healthier than before.

You do not have to get rid of the crops that are infected by mosaic because it would be such waste whereby the plant can still produce fruits and it does not effect the other crops that are healthy. The picture shows that the new grown leaves are still infected by mosaic, but the fruits are straight and we have overcome problems of flowers falling.


Oligochitosan have succeeded to overcome the problem of Chilly plants that were infected by Mosaic without the use of any chemical pesticides. In doing so, we have managed to reduce the cost of using chemical pesticides which are highly expensive and dangerous if applied. Because of the characteristics of Oligochitosan which are environmental friendly, farmers do not have to use safety equipments during the process of applying Oligochitosan. Plus, Oligochitosan is made originally from Malaysia by the finest researchers from Malaysia.

For further inquiries on the research, feel free to contact Mr. Azhar Hamzah.

Tel: +016 2225062